
Mangrove Watch
Mangroves are in decline worldwide from a variety of threats including urban development, agricultural and industrial runoff and reclamation for residential, resort and port developments. If we want to protect our coastal lifestyle, it is vitally important that we understand the importance and vulnerability of the mangrove forests as they play a vital role in mantaining healthy coastal ecosystems and healthy seafood resources.
Government agencies in the region are inadequately staffed to monitor and assess the status of Queensland’s extensive mangrove resources. They can now draw on a fast-growing and enthusiastic volunteer network, which aspires to make a contribution to the environment by monitoring our coastal resources. Many communities now recognise that protecting natural resources must start at the community level.
MangroveWatch monitoring provides useful and usable data, which can be used by local mangrove experts as well as experts from University of Queensland and other government departments, to take action to better manage our mangrove forests. Mangrove Watch also builds up a photographic database of mangroves in the region, which can be used as a benchmark for on-going monitoring and assessment.
Mangrove Watch empowers the community to better manage their own local mangrove resources.
Get involved...
Mangrove Watch welcomes new volunteers. You will have the opportunity to learn about a very amazing part of the coastal zone. You will also receive training in mangrove identification, and how to collect baseline data on mangroves including extent, species, health and current impacts. Everybody is welcome. All you need to bring is a pair of grubby old shoes, some enthusiasm and plenty of good humour. Each outing takes a few hours and there are currently four outings each year at our Cannonvale and Airlie Beach sites.
Mangrove Watch Local Coordinator
Tony Fontes
PH 0417749143
Or email info@ouchvolunteers.com